About ME

I started out life on the East Coast of the US. When I was 28 I decided that the beautiful Pacific North West would be my new home. So in 1996 I packed up my Volkswagen bus and hit the road. Eleven days later I was pulling into Seattle greeted by beautiful views of the space needle and Mt. Rainier, but I wasn't home yet.

After four years of meeting great friends and experiencing all the city had to offer, I decided to look for more permanent digs. Even 20 years ago, home prices in the city were a little out of my league to say the least. It was suggested I check out Kitsap County on account. I loved the outdoors and it was a beautiful rural area that wasn't too far away. The first house I checked out had a handsome monkey puzzle tree. Somehow the tree spoke to me and I knew this was my spot.

At the time I was busy with a stressful housecleaning business. In my spare time I set about improving my property and keeping up my natural surroundings. I was also getting to know the area by going on long bike rides and walking my dogs. Around 2008 I decided it was time for a career change. I was hired at Puget Sound Naval Shipyard as a welding apprentice. After graduating the apprenticeship, I went on to work as a welder there for a total of 8 and a half years.

My heart and interest always gravitated toward the world of art. So in 2020, I set sail for a new adventure and decided to become a full-time artist and I've been making it up as I go ever since! One day I hope my calling will result in being able to help my community and the land that I love to stay green and beautiful.

Hi, my name is Patra (pronounced pay-tra)